Saturday, January 21, 2012

Danyelle Jay T. Cruz

FULL NAME: Danyelle Jay T. Cruz


October 18, 1993



 Immaculate Conception Academy

Why did you choose your sport?

Well, before I already took up several martial arts like Karate and Wu Shu Kung Fu and there's no way to continue that now. I tried Football in my high school years, but I was never good and I started too late. Judo was just there, like some magical thing that just appeared before me. The teams and coaches are awesome. They're really warm and welcoming. No walls and status quos.

What are your pet peeves?

Whistling people, people who tell me that I can't do something because I'm short, fat, etc. people who underestimate animals

If you could be a pokemon for a day, who would you be?

Dude, that's so hard. I think I'd like to be a Magikarp. People would underestimate me and then BOOM! I'm a RED Gyarados. Yes, I have to be the extra cool shiny Pokemon.

What's your dream job?

I have so many dream jobs that I can't choose. I think the closest one would be something that works with animals like a zoologist who works in a habitat or a vet.

What's your favorite 'tambay' place in school?

Well, my block likes to hang out in JSEC, but I don't really care, as long as there's food and company

What's your favorite subject?

SCIENCE. Anything with Science.

What orgs are you active in?

Well, since I'm a Freshie, I was thinking of joining just one org or two. I ended up joining the Judo Team and suddenly my sched was full. Absolutely no regrets though. So I just joined PMSA. I'm not active though. In the future, I think I'd like to join an artsy org.

This or that?

or sandals? Professor Layton or Ace Attorney? Colored pencils or markers?

Photos courtesy of Joel Jayme

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