Saturday, January 28, 2012

Katrina Camille Litam

FULL NAME: Katrina Camille Litam


DATE OF BIRTH: April 12, 1992



Do you find turtles cute?   

      It depends. What kind of turtles? Well wait yeah turtles are cute. Sea turtles are cute.

      What toppings do you like to put on your yogurt? 

      I like chocolate, I like strawberries, mangoes and peaches!

            Aside from your sport, do play any other sport? 

      Uhm define play? Because I play a lot of sports, like basketball. I like badminton and I like martial arts too. 
      What’s your favorite movie as of the moment? 
      Pride and Prejudice!

      Did you have an embarrassing email address before? 
      Oh yeah. Definitely *laughs* It's so embarrassing, it's the kind na I can't even pronounce, I don't know how to say it eh its some weird Japanese thing.
      What’s your favorite band?

      Band. Hmm I don't really have a favorite band because I'm more into single songs.

      If you could to join a tv show, what show would that be? 

      OH! As of now I like the Vampire Diaries, that's a tv show right? *laughs* Yeah, Vampire Diaries, that's the show I would want to be part of.

           If you were a superhero who would you be? Why? 
      Can I make my own? *laughs* I'll be a girl Harry Potter, well without the dying people and stuff. I find magic really cool, yeah it would be very convenient and FUN!

      If you were to be reincarnated, what (animal/thing) or who would you want to be? 
      Does it have to a existing animal? Can I be a Unicorn? Yes, I want to be a Unicorn.

      This or that! (Underline it.)

       Facebook or Twitter? Beach or Mall? Will Smith or Brad Pitt? Rock or Pop music? Nokia 3310 or Samsung Galaxy?

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