Saturday, December 24, 2011

Maria Carissa de Jesus Veloso

FULLNAME:  Maria Carissa de Jesus Veloso
NICKNAME:  Carissa
DATE OF BIRTH: May 16, 1994

SPORT:  Track and Field
HIGH SCHOOL: Miriam College High School

Do you miss high school?
Yes, mostly because of the security of knowing that you have a sure path to go to after you finish high school and also getting to see my high school friends everyday. I also like the idea of feeling so at home, being in the same school since nursery.

What do you want for Christmas?
For Christmas I would like to have the time to spend with all of my close friends and family since during the school year, with training and academics to juggle, it is very difficult to fit in any other events.

What’s your favorite dessert?
White icing cupcakes of Shoppersville.  It’s my favorite dessert because it’s what I always used to get as a child when accompanying my grandparents or mom to the grocery and because I’m very fond of marshmallow icing.

If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
I’d change my name to Kristina. I always liked the nickname Tina.

What store sells the best burgers?
Good Burger because the meat they use is very flavorful and unlike most fast food restaurants, very genuine meat. They also have a very wide variety to choose from.

Do you like animals? What’s your favorite?
Yes, my favorite is the dolphin. I find them very intelligent creatures that have many unique characteristics as compared to many other animals.

Are you craving anything right now?
Yes, lamb chops.

Who’s your favorite superhero?
Batman because he was the superhero I really grew up with and I admire how he becomes a superhero despite not being born with special abilities. Despite being a rich billionaire, he is incorruptible by the evils that meet him.

If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
Shia LaBeouf because I used to find him really funny in the show Even Stevens that I used to watch as a kid. I find him one of the most talented young actors and definitely love his character diversity. 

This or that! (Underline it.)
Cookies or cupcakes

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